Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
Meeting January 8, 2014 5:30 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
I. Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:36 p.m. Officers present: President Tina Scott, Vice President Bonnie Miller, Secretary Lisa Guglielmina, Treasurer Marjie Watkins, and Logistics Tania Alvord. Officers Absent: None. Members present: Larry Horrocks, Herk Emmons, Bonnie Emmons, Bob Miller, Larry Guglielmina, Shellie Cato, Ted Pierce, and Chief Scott Alvord.
II. Approve Minutes of November 6, 2013: MSC B. Emmons/Cato to approve the minutes of the November 6, 2013 meeting as presented.
III. Reports:
A. Treasurer: Marjie reported on dinner expenditures.
B. Events: A recorded list of events members of the auxiliary have participated in was read by Tina.
IV. Action Items:
A. Muster Event (Tina) – Tina spoke on the muster events. Advertising and practice days were discussed. The events will be on Sunday, July 6 in the afternoon at Lowden Park. Will need to keep in mind the drought conditions. Insurance waivers will be provided by Serena. Short discussion on pancake breakfast.
B. Medical Bag Restoration (Serena)- No report.
C. Awards Dinner (Lisa) – The awards dinner will be on January 25 at La Grange. Time and menu TBA. The dinner is open to the Support Services.
D. Valentine’s Day Roses (Ted) – Discussion on the group helping with the preparations of the roses. Discussion on advertising. Lisa and Ted will work on details.
E. Fund Raiser Ideas – Will present at next meeting.
V. Unit Reports:
A. Logistics: (Tania) – J.C. Fire Ernie Curran brought out food and snacks for the firefighters. Discussion on training support services on the air machine for refilling the bottles.
B. EMS Support (Serena) – Scott Alvord reported that the firefighters completed an EMR class and 13 members were certified. There will be a 1st Aid class later this month which is open to the Support Services to attend at no cost.
C. Maintenance (Bonnie M) – Bonnie came in and cleaned the refrigerator out, and covers were built for the heating and air units. Short discussion on dorms.
D. Technology- No report
E. Public Events/Education (Lisa)-The Fire Department has gone on three fire safety presentations to schools this last month, and a group of 10 kids visited the Station. Discussion on being more active in the schools having programs to where the kids come to the station and are shown how easy it is to build a firefighting career from the Volunteer Fire Department. Larry Horrocks will meet with the schools to find out a program that will work.
VI. Open Forum – Ted mentioned starting a Fire Department editorial in the Trinity Journal on a regular basis. Ted, Lisa and Tina will meet with the Trinity Journal and work things out. Discussion on other fund raiser/community service ideas; Mid Summer’s Christmas Toy Drive, St. Patrick’s Day Dinner, and something for Easter.
VII. Next Meeting Schedule – The next meeting will be held on February 5, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. with dinner preparations before-hand. Everyone is encouraged to come help with the dinner meetings when they can.
VIII. Adjourn- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
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Tina Scott, President Lisa Guglielmina, Secretary